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To become a registered Assetinsure Surety portal user, please ask your Facility Authorised Representative to request access for you by providing the new user information in an email to:
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- Full name
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Surety Division established in 2008
Surety Facilities of $5.0Bn

Why AssetInsure?
✓ APRA licensed and regulated Insurer
✓ Largest issuer of contract performance bonds in Australia and New Zealand
✓ Established in 2008
✓ Exclusive surety managing agent for Swiss Re in Australia and New Zealand with S&P rating AA-
✓ Assetinsure / Swiss Re Surety Bonds enjoy widespread acceptance by Corporate, Government and Government Agency beneficiaries
What are the benefits?
Diversification of financier group
Introduction of a trusted and proven partner to work alongside your bank(s) and other financiers.
Frees up assets
Frees up assets tied up as security by the bank as our surety facility is typically unsecured.
Relieves cashflow stress
Less reliant on Bank Facility for performance bonding
Banking capacity can be redeployed to aid in liquidity i.e. overdraft or working capital facilities.
Provides resilience to cashflow shocks i.e. principals withholding or delaying payment.
Confidence in capacity to enable growth
- Established track record of supporting its clients and critical industries throughout various stages in the cycle
- Extensive industry knowledge and expertise
Service Levels and Delivery
Our specialist and well resourced team consistently deliver market leading service levels in both underwriting and administration.
Comparison – why Surety Bonds are a smarter alternative
Bank Guarantee
- General Security Agreement providing security interest over all present and future assets of the borrower
- Specific security over Cash and/or Property
- Cash and/or Property collateralisation
- Deed of Indemnity and Guarantee
- Director Guarantees
Surety Bonds
✓ No tangible security
✓ Deed of Indemnity and Guarantee
✓ Director Guarantees
Do I qualify & how to apply?
Assessment Criteria
- Well developed business with solid track record
- At least 3 years of continuous profitability
- Operating for at least 5 years
- Minimum turnover of $20m p.a.
- Minimum net tangible asset position of $3m
- Positive net operating cash flow
- Positive working capital position
- Demonstrated capital retention within the business
- Evidence of professional financial and operational management
- Main contracting entity is not in a trust structure
- Technical ability to deliver on all contractual requirements
NB. Applicants who have ATO payment arrangements or are engaged in speculative property developments will not be considered.
Initial Assessment Requirements
- Completed Corporate Questionnaire – Facility Application.
- Group capability statement
- Confirmation of what your guarantee requirements are
- Structure chart showing all entities and shareholdings with brief description of each entity
- 3 years of consolidated financial statements
- Most recent management accounts
- Summary of all banking / finance facilities including limit, current balance, expiry date, details of security pledged etc.
- Order book report for current and upcoming projects including project name, brief description, client, contract value, commencement / completion date, and billing remaining.
What’s the typical process?
- Initial assessment performed by Assetinsure
- Indicative Expression of Interest outlining Assetinsure’s key terms including facility limit and pricing.
- Completion of full underwriting process
- Binding term sheet
- Legal documentation
- Facility activation and bonds issued
All our forms

Need more information?
Download our ebook here
Customer Testimonials
For further information, please call us on 02 8274 2823 or Email: Or send us your enquiry and the team will get back to you as soon as possible