They may be different strokes of a similar brush, but surety bonds offer compelling benefits as a form of security against contract default when compared to guarantees offered by banks. Clearing up the misconceptions around surety bonds But before we continue,...
An unconditional bank guarantee is widely regarded as being “as good as cash”. However, calling on a bank guarantee requires strict compliance with the wording of the guarantee. Check out Gadens article.
Andrew sat down with Jordan Lynn of Insurance Business Online to discuss how Assetinsure is leading the way in mining rehabilitation bonds. The full article link – click here.
Check out the AFR article from Peter Ker, interviewing our very own Andrew Calvert. //
Swiss Re Corporate Solutions announcement Surety Bonds issued by Assetinsure and underwritten by Swiss Re – fully backed by the financial strength of the Swiss Re Group. Great article in the NZ Herald on the issues in the construction industry both there and around the world.